Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
I was sitting here, innocently singing Autumn’s praises, when I heard the cacophony of about three thousand small, hard objects being propelled from the roof. Santa? Oh no – Santa Claus is QUET. I realize that MY FATHER is on the roof, hurling walnuts to the ground (with what implement I do not know). I do not think this is wise, considering his recent propensity to beat himself about the face and neck.
I took my life into my hands, went out on the front porch (trying to keep under the eaves), and ended up just telling him to be careful. Careful or no – it completely terrifies the hell out of the cats, and I am not entirely comfortable with the idea. Maybe if I tell him I’m going to publish the picture I caught today that is a perfect view right up his nose he will get down… Then again, maybe I’ll just go steal the ladder; that’ll teach him to start crazy projects during half time.
November 19th, 2005 at 3:44 pm
“Big Game” day, 3:39 p.m.:
I wish the “Big Game” would get over already. I’ve had to listen to horrifying screams & yells emanating from the TV room since 1:00. Send your cats over here…walnuts flying from your roof got nothin’ on these SCREAMS. Your cats would have to be in therapy afterwards.
P.S. Please don’t try to contact me by phone, being as I’m deaf now.
November 21st, 2005 at 11:40 am
I’m sorry, but yelling and screaming emanates every moment the game is on and reverberates about the house. My favorite is the random “WooHoo’s” that explode when my Father thinks something good is happening. They are enough to induce a heart attack.
This behavior (which is accompanied by a complete unresponsivenes to any person trying to communicate with the game watcher) was the reason that I chose to test my “signal jammer” that I made in high school electronics class during the 7th game of the World Series (I think it was THE game that year – at least I got that impression – I don’t care for baseball. I think it’s boring and they spit too much). I sat IN THE SAME ROOM as my Father (behind him) and strategically jammed the TV signal. He was beside himself; he swore and ranted and hit the TV – it was AWESOME. Had I not laughed so hard I think I would have gotten away with the whole escapade. It was still worth it.