Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Five or so years ago, I had an extraordinary visit from the Easter Bunny. I’d been singing for Easter Service at First Church (that’s what the “cool” people call it – you can also call it the First Unitarian Church), and when I arrived home, the Easter Bunny had hidden canned goods all over the house. Yes, canned goods – peaches, soup, beans – that kind of thing. It is my understanding, from some personal experience (when I was a child the Easter Bunny always left candy all over a room in the house), from what other people tell me (they go on egg hunts and such) and from what I read (can’t seem to find a precedent for canned goods as an Easter tradition), this was an unusual gift.
Yes, I am odd (as though I have to actually point that out), but I really liked it. Besides, if you eat too many Cadbury Eggs all at once it makes you sick (I have friends who agree that making someone eat a huge number of Cadbury Eggs would be a good form of torture).