Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
So help us, today I learned:
It’s Winger’s Sticky Fest!
Perhaps there are those who look forward to the “Sticky Fest” each year with bated breath (probably the same people who send me all the porn spam). I, on the other hand [MUST RESIST URGE TO MAKE VAGUELY INSINUATINGLY FOUL REFERENCES TO “CLEAN” HANDS OR THE LIKE – MUST RESIST], am vehemently opposed to the word “sticky” being used in conjunction with any advertising (especially if it’s used ambiguously). Ewwwww!
Then again, too much specificity in regards to this term can be repugnant, too. I’m not a squeamish person, nor a wilting violet by any means;I consider myself to be frank and open in most respects. But I have absolutely CRINGED every time a recent feminine hygiene product ad using “that word” has appeared. And if it makes me sit there wincing and muttering to myself, “Too much information! Too much information!!!,” than the World is in dire and hopeless straits.
I’ve got to figure out where I put that box of MRE’s and my foil packets of “emergency” water.
*With apologies to Grettir for stealing his title (even though it’s not like he’s TRADEMARKED it or anything…)
May 21st, 2005 at 5:13 pm
Do you mean to say that an ad for a feminine hygiene product used the word “STICKY”? Please, please, please say it was a different word, like “crotch” or the like. That would be much…well, worse. Nevermind.
May 21st, 2005 at 6:34 pm
I apologize if I sound IGNORANT, but … what are MRE’s?
P.S. I hate the term “sticky rice”. Even thought I love the food item, I hesitate to order it because I do not like to say it.
May 22nd, 2005 at 5:00 am
MRE = Meal Ready [to] Eat
It’s a name given to various freeze-dried delicacies by the military. You can buy them for camping and such or to live in the woods and be a scary, gun-toting survivalist in Idaho or the like.