Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Here they are – all five of my beauteous nieces and nephews pictured together for the very first time! You’d be amazed how much coordination it took for their parents to get them together (and only Paisley lives out of state) at a time when no one was vomiting and everyone’s immunity was at an acceptable level and so on.
Leif, William, Sarah, Paisley and Anders
I especially love Leif’s four-year-old cheesy grin in contrast to William’s fourteen-year-old “I am Rico Suave” smirk. Sarah (seventeen – but I don’t want to talk about that because it makes me OLDER THAN DIRT) and Anders (who turned one a few weeks ago) managed the best natural smiles, I think, and Paisley (at a little over three months old) looks darling even though she was, understandably, pretty shell-shocked by the whole process by then.
January 21st, 2006 at 2:49 am
good grief- I barely recognize ANY of them!!!!!!!!!! Stop letting them grow up!