Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Oh, Fact of The Day (FOTD), what have you done NOW?
Take a look at one of the most recent “factual” tidbits I received:
A tanka is a Japanese verse form of 31 syllables in 5 unrhymed lines, the first and third having 7 syllables each, and the others 7.
Hmmm. I haven’t had cause to do all that much arithmetic in recent years, but something strikes me as ODD about the above-mentioned FOTD. Perhaps it is because I recently found out that I could, indeed, still pass eighth grade math that I find the previous calculation suspect.
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
![]() Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct! |
And yes, secretly I took the test several times over until I could figure out which question I was getting wrong, so now I have a score of 10/10.
With my freshly-reinforced mathematics acumen I have deduced the following:
Doesn’t “add” up, does it. And if you, as I, were dying of curiosity to see which lines in the “tanka” form had a different number of syllables (ideally FEWER than seven), look here.
Mary Ellen
March 17th, 2006 at 12:14 pm
Excellent math skills. I applaud your use of logic. I am wondering, though, what that 10th question was on your 8th grade math quiz.
March 18th, 2006 at 9:20 pm
I have to admit, it was the “greater than” equation with percentages. It didn’t click, for some reason, and I chose “none of the above” several times.