Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Kitten Children do NOT like getting their temperature taken (at least BeBe doesn’t). Perhaps it has something to do with the RECTAL THERMOMETER.
I maintain that RECTAL THERMOMETER is just one of those phrases that should always be capitalized. RECTAL THERMOMETER. See?
“And a REAR-END thermometer, too.”
Click here and HEAR! Thanks for the sound byte, “Me.”
April 10th, 2006 at 8:38 pm
Im not going to do the html code to make this link clickable (mostly because I’ve forgotten it, and am too lazy to look it up, but go to this address if the title to this entry doesn’t make sense. It still won’t make sense, but it will not make sense in a new way (the last line is the most important, be sure to wait it out):
this page has the the words transcribed, as well as a link to an MP3 in case you can’t play the wav file:
April 10th, 2006 at 10:28 pm
Just get one of those digital underarm thermometers, and hold it under the cat’s armpit while you snuggle her. In my opinion, it’ll getcha close enough.
Or better yet, make Heather do it! (*tee-hee!*)
April 11th, 2006 at 8:34 am
I am using one of those digital thermometers, but do cats really have “armpits,” per se? And because of the other symptoms – nose running GALLONS, I jest not; I’ve had kid snot on me before, but Kitten Child snot is a new experience – I thought I’d best be accurate (this way, since her temperature is normal, I don’t have to go to the Vet right away. I’m just supposed to “watch her.”
At least I have found the PERFECT use for the tiny wee jar of Vaseline that was part of a very special Christmas gift…
April 15th, 2006 at 1:07 am
Just make sure that you write “ONLY FOR CATS’ BUMS” on the lid, so that no-one uses it as lip gloss…