Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
If you, like I am, are deeply saddened to have missed the 2006 Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling Competition, then I have a timely opportunity for you. From today until July 2, 2006, you can receive a 20% discount on specialty items and ALL CHEESE at the Ideal Cheese Shop! They are, apparently, having an anniversary sale.
It is a little unclear exactly WHAT Anniversary the Ideal Cheese Shop is celebrating. They do say:
Since 1954, we have introduced dozens of exotic cheeses to the American marketplace.
Ideal Cheese Shop has established itself with a reputation of service and knowledge which truly makes it The Ideal Cheese Shop.
How nice, indeed. But most people don’t make all that big a deal of their 52nd Anniversary (I believe the traditional gift for that Anniversary is figs and the Modern alternative is wasabi peas…). The tour of the Ideal Cheese Shop doesn’t elucidate this question any further:
Okay, evidently they changed locations at some point, but they don’t say when. The only thing that occurs to me after seeing this information is the following: IS ED EDELMAN DEAD??? Say that five times really fast with a mouth-full of marbles (no disrespect intended if he HAS passed on).
Ah well, who knows. Discounted cheese is DISCOUNTED CHEESE!!!
What does this have to do with Gloucestershire and Cheese Rolling? I respond to your query with THIS:
Butlers’ Goosnargh GoldĀ®
This is an “outstanding Double Gloucester with peachy orange tones – the color of a late autumn sunset.” Poetic AND delicious, no doubt. They offer several other Double Gloucestershires as well, but this one just seems like it would ROLL awfully well. The largest increment that they offer is five pounds. I do not know if this constitutes an actual wheel or not, but I’m sure their customer support could be of assistance. In the genuine competition they tumble down that essentially vertical hill after a 7-8 pound wheel of Double Gloucestershire. But I’m sure that, for the novice, five pounds would suffice. As I have a innate capacity to inadvertently fling myself down on pretty much ANY surface, I think I could hurl myself off a precipice after a wheel of cheese VERY ably. This might just be MY sport.