Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Yesterday I received this email from one of the original Monkey Cats:
Subject: solo and ensemble and ze new monkey cats
Hello crazy heathen aunt cake, sorry, Kate. If you have not been informed by your forget ful neice [sic], saria we need you to accompany us, maybe. Respond as quickly as possible or call Nessa at: [number omitted OF COURSE]
I called Sarah, and, yes, indeedy, she’d neglected to mention it, “because all of our lives are different and crazy” and that they needed someone to play for them on “the thirty-somethingth.” Or was it “the thirtieth or thirty-somethingth” – and they were rehearsing “for the last time (?) tomorrow.” She also said that it was an “easy song so they just needed someone to play” (as opposed to coaching). We’ll see. I’ve witnessed their rehearsal techniques.
I asked who was singing, and it seems that with this slightly different array of Monkey Cats I shall even meet a NEW one. I also inquired as to WHAT they were singing. Evidently, this “easy” piece is entitled “False Prophet”. “False Prophet?” Oh yes, “False Prophet.”
“Who wrote it?” I asked. Sarah did not know. She did, however, explain that “False Prophet” is “about a daisy who tells a lie.” Yes, daisy. As in the flower.
Terry, can I PLEASE say that I’m waiting with “bated breath?” It’s a song about A FLOWER THAT TELLS A LIE!
I will say this: NO ONE – let me repeat – NO ONE is going to poke at my substantial tookus this time. My butt is OFF LIMITS. That will be rehearsal rule numero uno.
January 27th, 2007 at 8:44 am
Oh, I know you think I’m incredibly wise, but I don’t know who wrote it.
What I DO KNOW, however, is that that horrible song is now stuck firmly in my head.
When will they ever learn,
When will they ehhhh-ver learn.
Back later to comment for real. Coffee and Kleenex required for the nonce.
nessathe coatrack/monkeycat
January 27th, 2007 at 12:21 pm
you know you could come to the practice too! we miss you cake!
…we’re BAAACK!
Monkey Cat 3/Me...Saria
January 27th, 2007 at 12:59 pm
Yah, well… Our first accompanister fell through, and our second one… we couldn’t get a hold of our third one.. Don’t know any of their names anywho… I think several were of some relation to Buyo….. ANywhosit…. Last time I tried.. you were asleep.. and I forgot to try you again. I figured if all else failed I could poke you on sunday. But Nessy got into a bit of a panic, you know how she can get a tad over enthused, and so there you are. Oh, and I stick my tongue out at the green nymph. =P. Hah! So there. SEE I DOOO READ this.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Font colours evidently not supported in the comment section. NO INDIGO FOR YOU!
January 27th, 2007 at 2:57 pm
Hello aunt cake. Tis Buyo….Sorry for such notice btw….but yeah…..we need to gets together. Our last accompanister died….sooo.. yah. I will prod sarah till she gives you the music tomorrow or she will die a gory death.