Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Evidently, the above is the CORRECT Irish spelling of the often-anglicized phrase:
And now EVERYBODY join in on the chorus:
One, two, three, four five,
Hunt the hare and turn her
Down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin,
Sorry. I cannot help but break out into festive song on this day. But that reminds me: As I’ve suggested before, a lovely St. Paddy’s day activity would be to go see the Salty Frogs, “an electric, powerful, original, groovy, funky, energetic, Celtic fusion experience.” You do NOT want to miss Bronwen Beecher, The Fiddle Preacher, et al. Here are the details of their St. Paddy’s Extravaganza:
The Huka Bar (a private club for members and their guests*)
151 East 6100 South
Murray, UT
(801) 281-4852
Oh. And are the links to a FINE bunch of literature I composed upon Saint Patrick’s Days past. Soooo informative:
*Translation for those not “in the know” about Utah legal club issues and liquor laws, this just means you grab a stranger with a membership and they will sponsor you. Or you buy a temporary membership -usually cheap.
Marchioness Pip the Ingenious of Withering Glance
April 24th, 2007 at 11:21 am
Even though Pip is delayed and peculiar, Pip feels special because Pip is the only one to post a reply to this.