I’ve been dreadfully remiss in posting. Yes, indeed.

I’m realizing that if I did a search on my site for that very phrase (“remiss in posting”) I’d probably get 563 hits. (Many thanks of gratitude to the Department of Redundancy Department for that statistic.)

It’s just that I’ve been so busy at Chez David & Julianne – doing VERY scientific slumber tests on their guest bed, generously eating all the home cooked healthy food proffered to me – you get the idea. It’s awfully hard work, as you can imagine.

Also, since I left my (BRAND NEW!!!!) camera at Senator Hatch’s office on LIVESTRONG® Day (Wednesday, May 16, 2007!) and have yet to have a chance to fetch it, David has been at my beck and command taking photos for me. I’ve developed a very streamlined system for this: I cry out, “Photographer – PHOTOGRAPHER – Please take a pictures of that cannon ball (or that jail or Peek-a-Boo Radley sitting by the gnomes or Peek-a-Boo Radley in the officers barracks or Peek-a-Boo Radley with the park ranger).” Okay – that’s not entirely true: Sometimes I do not say “please.”

I obviously need and intend to write all about LIVESTRONG® Day, as well as Chez David & Julianne (though I have to be VERY circumspect regarding that subject, as – remember – DAVID MAY HAVE TO KILL ME if I misspeak).

I should also write about Washington, D.C., Maryland (especially Baltimore, Catonsville – “Music City, Maryland,” and Ellicott City). I’ll get to it.

For now I’ll just provide one preview image of LIVESTRONG® Day:
Kermit & Kate
Kermit & Kate, Utah Delegates, LIVESTRONG® Day 2007
Photo and Crane by Fred

In concurrence with my standard “KATE DETESTS AND ABHORS PICTURES OF HERSELF” protocol, I am not going to tell you which individual is me. I will, however, give you one hint: I am not African-American.