Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Farewell, Sweet Little Lark (1990 – 2007).
I’m sorry if I let you hurt longer then was necessary. I didn’t know you had breast cancer. I didn’t know you were dehydrated, too, on top of your other symptoms because you kept using the “pee pads.” I’m so very sorry.
This week I’ve done some things I never thought I’d have to do alone. Thank you for putting up with what was undoubtedly at least partially misguided attempts to minister to your needs. Bless you for seeming unfazed in the car as we drove to the vet and as they examined you. I came back after they put the IV in and I held you while they injected the medication into the tube. You were still so calm; you must have been hurting. Your tiny head dropped right to my shoulder. It was so fast; I found great solace in that. I’ve seen death, but I’ve never been through that experience before.
I believe you had a good life. Rest in peace, wee little puppy.
May 2nd, 2007 at 1:46 pm
Sweet little Lark – I will always have fond memories of her while I lived there. Especially when she would try so hard to ignore Truman’s attempts to play with her. On a bright note, I am imagining Lark and Sadie playing together in doggie heaven. They must have had a fun reunion!
Mary Ellen
May 2nd, 2007 at 10:09 pm
I’m so sorry. Now Lark and Sadie are together again. I know how much it helps when you hold them until the end. You did a good job.
May 3rd, 2007 at 1:46 am
I can imagine Sadie and Lark together, and it makes me happy. Lark, believe it or not, still occasionally hopped about the back yard like a little bunny.
I just feel bad I made her suffer a week longer than was necessary. I dithered too much. Something would get better and I’d think she was her slightly odd blind, deaf “okay” self (with a KILLER sense of smell), but I was no doubt fooling myself.
Poor Lark and cats. They don’t make sense to her. And mine have liked to surprise her sometimes (since she couldn’t hear them and they’d jump down from furniture right behind her). BeBe would hit her if Lark got to close to her treats or the like. And I felt really bad because this last week BeBe has hit her (not hard, but still) several times because she was jealous I was paying so much attention to “that DOG.” I kept TELLING BeBe that Lark was very, very old and sick; I don’t think she comprehended that.
May 3rd, 2007 at 2:06 am
I tried to contact you several times by email to have some news from you. Is it all right?.
May 3rd, 2007 at 2:11 am
I just sent you a message. Sorry – I don’t get to the hotmail as often (I’m not used ot it).
May 3rd, 2007 at 5:42 am
ok… would you please read the answer, attaching your “Institutional” address or the one which you use it?.
May 6th, 2007 at 7:58 am
Dear Kate:
We are sorry about the lost of your dog.I never experienced putting a dog to sleep except when we put Simba to sleep last month. He had doggy diabetes. It was so fast, when he started to have the symptons, he went blind within 2 weeks, it was hard to see him suffer. We had to do what was best for him. Ralph and I cried and cried when he got the shot and went home to doggie heaven. It is like losing a family member. We love you. You are in our prayers. Love, Linda
May 9th, 2007 at 8:08 am
My sympathies, dear Kate.