Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
LIVESTRONG™ Day 2008 is fast approaching: Tuesday, May 13, 2008. And I must say, I’m a little discouraged and sad. I’m sad because we have a new cancer diagnosis in the family. Granted, that is why I’m involved in this “cause”; we need not only to find cures and help those who cannot survive cancer to die with dignity, but we need to STOP the many diagnoses that would be so easy to prevent. But still, in the back of my mind I guess I still have a small belief that every family has a “cancer quota” and we are FAR BEYOND IT.
I am discouraged, because I had a plan for a LIVESTRONG™ Day 2008 activity that was all about disseminating information and awareness – Cancer Awareness: “Knowledge is Power” – at a hospital in Salt Lake (as well as giving away Wristbands, etc.). I had a positive impression after speaking with the PR director; she just needed to speak with the hematology/oncology big-wigs. They kept me hanging on for almost a month, but I honestly didn’t think they’d turn me down so I hadn’t checked with my possible contingency locations. WRONG. No go.
I called another venue. Again, the public relations person seemed very positive. However, the next day, after consulting with whoever it was who had to be consulted, she sent me an email saying they’d decided it wasn’t “a good fit.” This institution has “cancer” IN THEIR NAME, so I’m a tad baffled.
I’m certainly not “dissing” these places in terms of the quality of their care. I just don’t understand why they aren’t on board with this opportunity. I’m NOT fundraising, as I assumed that would be a problem with not-for-profit entities; I just want to educate and inform people. Also, I want to give people a chance to memorialize someone they’ve lost to cancer, someone who’s fighting cancer, or someone who has had great success with treatment.
Last year in D.C. was so amazing. Granted, I lost a friend and an uncle while I was there. And much, MUCH less importantly I spent that important day with a dead animal appended to the back of my head.
This year, the Lance Armstrong Foundation is closing its doors on LIVESTRONG™ Day. Everyone who works there will be attending one of the more than 500 LOCAL events taking place around the country. I haven’t COMPLETELY lost hope that I’ll find a venue (if you wouldn’t mind a crazy lady sitting in your lobby ANYWHERE – oh WITH her amazing, beautifulest survivor Niephew, Sarah – handing out awareness information and FREE wristbands, please let me know). No matter what, I want to make you aware of at least ONE Utah opportunity (you can go to the LANCE ARMSTRONG FOUNDATION website to look up activities near you):
PLEASE go get some sweeties at Vicky Fletcher’s Cookies for a Cure Bake Sale (she is the LIVESTRONG™ Local Army Leader Utah Valley – she was already doing ALL the hard work but I had to convince her that she might be able to use the title at some point as she’s she’s very, very humble).
I’ll keep you posted as to my progress in terms to finding a venue (which is NOT to say that you should miss out on buying pastries from Vicky Fletcher!).
May 5th, 2008 at 3:39 pm
So sorry to hear about the new diagnosis in your family. Just got back from my grandpa’s funeral (yep, he died from cancer last week), and still pretty upset and just taking my time to cope with it all. My friend Rachel posted a comment on my blog, saying sometimes cancer just sucks. That pretty much sums it up.
Sometimes it just gets too overwhelming for me to cope with- seems like our families are just one of those “lucky ones” who seem to be challenged over and over again. On the other hand, that’s what motivates me to keep on fighting and be active and volunteer for the LAF. We’re living with cancer every day- if we don’t get involved, who will?!
Keep hanging in there. Thinking of you and sending you lots of strength and hugs!
P.S.: Won’t even comment on the hospitals reaction- just this: this is something I will never understand, but to not tell you until the last moment is just rude.
May 6th, 2008 at 12:18 am
Hey Kate-
now you made me cry- still a little emotional, I guess after all the last weeks. But thanks for your lovely comment. I appreciate it.
I agree on the stress thing- it’s just not possible to get rid of- maybe it would be if I were a doctor and earn that much money, but for us normal folks…
No news on the summit front, yet, but they’re supposed to decide by Friday, so I’ll let you know as soon as I get some information.
Hope you’re feeling better, soon. Love and hugs, Henrike.
Deborah Gamble
May 11th, 2008 at 8:16 pm
So….a venue yet? If I owned a big ‘ol place with a lobby – I’d have you there in a heartbeat.
May 12th, 2008 at 10:03 am
Thanks, Debbie!
You’re the best. If the weather was better I’d sit outside one of your places and we’d have LIVESTRONG™ Olé…