Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
I received a large pimple on my right (face!) cheek for Christmas; it was rather festive. It was not the only gift I received. But I’ll get to that another time. I was going to call this entry, “What Would Cause Kate to BAKE?” But zits are funnier.
Nonetheless, let’s address the question. Indeed, what WOULD make Kate act even slightly domestic? Well, as I had mentioned, I was on to Plan G with my big Christmas Craft Project. I think Plan G might actually work. However, I was sooooo tired of broken drill bits and red-hot stone shards flying through the air, wearing eye protection, getting covered in moist stone grit (to the point that it would make my hair stiff – interesting thought for a styling product, perhaps, but also YUCKY), and losing my favourite pieces of rock. I needed a break. So in the middle of the night (is that not when I do ALL my most interesting work?) on December 23 – which, I suppose, would technically make it December 24 – Christmas Eve, I baked a TRIPLE batch of Boiled Raisin Cookies. This is, believe it or not, something in my skill set; I make a decent Boiled Raisin Cookie. And if you’ve not tasted Boiled Raisin Cookies, I should tell you that even folks who do not like raisins have liked these cookies. I use my Great-Grandmother Monson’s recipe (and she was a really WONDERFUL cook and baker). Here, FREE FOR THE TAKING, is the THE RECIPE.
So, yes, I have yet to finish my big Christmas Craft Project, but I have not given it up completely. Besides, Boiled Raisin Cookies are my Dad’s favourite, so it was a nice festive holiday-like thing to do for him.
So Happy Holidays and All That Jazz to All Y’all!
December 28th, 2005 at 1:20 am
Unpaid Testimonial:
“These cookies are good. I like these cookies. I would eat an entire batch of these cookies without blinking, if I had a big enough glass of milk to go with them. I think that you should make these cookies. Then you can bring some over to my house so that I can test them before you deliver them to friends and relatives, lest you embarrass yourself with an inferior batch of cookies.”
December 28th, 2005 at 1:40 am
I’ve tried the cookies, and I like them just fine, but I gotta say- the recipe is better than the cookies! It makes me laugh every damn time. (Kate: You might want to go back and do a quick spell check, though. . . unless to “clan” a beater is a baker term that I don’t know.)
December 28th, 2005 at 1:03 pm
Damn your eyes! That’s what I get for not manually proofreading. I leave all the words that the spellchecker does not catch because they ARE correctly spelled words, especially if you are Scottish. (?)