Mostly whimsy and drivel of no consequence. And CHEESE.
Yes, I’ve been horrifically remiss. I’ve been shamefully negligent. I’ve been thoughtless and SLIPSHOD. “About WHAT?” one may ask. “Posting new and exciting material on my blog,” I reply. One responds, “I wouldn’t say you post ‘exciting’ material EVER.”
Please forgive the brief pause during which I kicked one’s ASS.
I must apologize to all those faithful readers (all two – THREE?? – they say optimism, even when misplaced, is worth trying) who have waited with bated breath for my next entry. Unfortunately, if they paused with TRULY bated breath, they are now dead from hypoxia. Wow. I suppose that means I’m writing for NO ONE. Then again, there are those who may argue that doesn’t change a thing.
Whatever the case, for you gratification (or my own) I will now supply images of three – I repeat – THREE most gorgeous babies.
I think should start with the most “overdue” announcement:
Lily Grace M.
Born August 25, 2006
In this photograph (taken September 23, 2006), she is pictured with her lovely mother, Rachel (who is the roommate from this entry) and her father, Joel (it isn’t that he’s NOT lovely, but I’m not sure how he’d feel about that descriptor).
And then:
Harper Elyse W.
Born September 26, 2006
I believe this is the second or third photograph EVER taken of her. Harper is my first cousin once removed (thank you, Aunt Mary Ellen, for FINALLY explaining that in a comprehensible way to me, as the concept of having relatives “removed” has always baffled me – I still need to make a chart of this information). That means that her beauteous mother, Jennette (in the picture, obviously), is my first cousin. And she liked to run around naked in our backyard when she was little. That’s how she sunburned her wee bottom. Sorry, Jennette, some things you just never live down.
And last, but certainly NOT least, I failed to report the following rite of passage in a timely fashion:
Paisley’s First Birthday
October 1, 2006
Yes, my youngest little niece is now ONE. And my PARENTS went to Kansas WITHOUT ME and didn’t even bring me a T-shirt. MEAN!
With the “Time Flies” concept and whatnot, I will blink and Paisley will be a nuclear physicist or an exotic dancer or something (just KIDDING, Ashley and Charles: I don’t think she shows an early aptitude for physics).
October 23rd, 2006 at 6:18 am
We share an affinity for cute, wee mammals.
It goes against my tough-guy image to coo over babies, but coo I shall. They are all beautiful. They make me feel jealous because THEY are allowed to have adorable rolls of fat and we are not.
October 25th, 2006 at 9:02 am
I especially like the little one in the top photo. Vulnerable is the word that comes to mind.
Also love the very last line in this entry. Made me snort!
October 25th, 2006 at 1:15 pm
That’s ok, I actually rather like the story of my “wee” (after nine months of craving McDonald’s I woulnd’t really call it “wee” anymore) sunburned bum – I remember having a ton of fun outside (even when I tried to climb a tree…naked), and I don’t remember the sunburn actually hurting, so it’s a good story.
Harper will be one month old tomorrow! Check the blurty this week for some super cute pics. I still haven’t been able to catch her while smiling, but I am determined to do it!
October 25th, 2006 at 11:01 pm
Ah, Ma cousine,
The things we’d LIKE to forget…
First of all, I would warrant your caboose is still downright wee compared to the one upon which I am seated.
As for the nudity and the sunburn: You were staying with us [I just shouted into the room and asked my Mother, “How old was Jennette when she stayed with us and sunburnt her butt?” She says you were two or three] and you did NOT want to wear any clothes. They “hurt you,” you claimed.
Ah, poor fleur sensible. So, instead of fighting with you about it, my Mother decided that a lesson in natural consequences was in order. So you frolicked all about au natural. Thus, you sunburned your wee little behind. And though it may not have hurt during the FROLICKING, you were none to pleased about how it felt thereafter…
I can’t wait to see the updated Harper pics! I saw a few that you posted here a few weeks ago…